March 2025

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Board of Selectmen Goals




 Our Mission
To promote the growth of Hebron’s non-residential tax base in a manner consistent with the town plan of development, while minimizing the impact on the existing environment or the desirable rural character of the community by:

  • Working to retain and assist existing businesses;
  • Working to attract new low-impact business development to Hebron that will increase tax revenues, and provide desirable goods, services and employment opportunities.
  1.  Economic Development This goal would be to enhance the Economic Development outreach working with the Office of the Director or Planning and Development including Economic Development Coordinator and the Economic Development Commission, concentrate on the marketing of all vacant properties in Hebron and to work with current businesses to keep them staying and growing in Town.   
  2.  Elevate Customer Service and Streamline Regulatory Process to be more business friendly and foster sensitivity to customers. Continue outreach to the business community such as the Business Breakfast meetings, new building permit program.
  3.  Plan of Conservation and DevelopmentCommunicate with the Planning and Zoning Commission on important priorities for the Plan of Conservation and Development. Communicate with PZC and EDC and include affordable housing.  Working with the Planning and Zoning Commission, Economic Development Commission, and Historic Properties Committee, finalize the downtown vision based on the 2011 Charrette process and develop action steps to implement the vision.  Implement recommendations of the Market Study.  Invite all Boards to a meeting on economic development so the vision to focus time and attention is coordinated.
  4.  GrantsPursue STEAP and other grant funding for Hebron Center projects.
  5.  UtilitiesInitiate infrastructure discussions on natural gas. Work with all utilities including natural gas, electricity, telecommunications, electric charging stations/cars, etc. 
  6.  Continue Promotion of Hebron Commercial BusinessesUtilizing Metro Hartford Alliance, Hebron Website, Developers’ Tours and other promotional activities.
  7. Develop a reporting mechanism to communicate goals and measure results and success, to be presented by the Economic Development Coordinator/Town Planner at March budget presentation.

 Priority # 2 – COMMUNICATIONS:

  1.  Continue to Develop Strong Liaison Dialogue with Board and Commissions and continue regularly scheduled All Boards Meetings, including schools.
  2.  Relationship between Non-Profits and TownsAdopt a best practices means to communicate with non-profit groups (including sports groups) that support the Town and encourage and assist in facilitating the formation of more entities to support Town Departments and activities.  Hebron Summit group continued quarterly meetings.
  3. Encouraging VolunteerismDevelop a communication plan to encourage volunteerism throughout the Town and educate the public for the need to have volunteers.  Example: The Citizens Green Committee.
  4. Rewarding Volunteers and EmployeesDevelop a program that shows the appreciation of the Selectmen and citizens for the many hours the volunteers and employees give to the community.  Consider recognition on the Hebron website.  Piggyback on non-profits volunteer recognition.  Investigate what other towns do.
  5. Community – Develop a community calendar utilizing the Town Website which would include community wide events (town, schools, civic groups). Include in the Parks & Recreation quarterly program bulletin and on the Hebron website.
  6. Conduct Regular Quarterly Educational Workshops on key topics to educate the public.
  7. Forum Communications Selectmen to write a regular Forum in Rivereast to communicate information to the public.
  8. Hebron Website Redesign and Consider Online Feedback on Hebron website to gather public input on budget priorities and town services.
  9. Establish Town (Board of Selectmen) Mission Statement

Priority # 3 – OPERATIONS:

  1.  Charter – Charter Revision Commission with a target completion date for the 2014 November Election.
  2. Appointment of Library Director
  3.  Regionalization of Services Continue working with neighboring municipalities and the Boards of Education, to eliminate duplication of services or look at sharing services to allow for more efficient service delivery and a lower cost to taxpayers to offer services.
  4.  Implement Recommendation of the Fire Department/Ambulance Financial Study Committee
  5.  Emergency Services Operations Review to include work on Fire Department guidelines, communications and membership.
  6.  Customer ServiceDevelop a baseline and determine a measurement tool for customer satisfaction.
  7.  GrantsAll departments should research and pursue grant opportunities. Consideration of utilizing a grant writer/grant seeker.
  8. Hebron DayParks & Recreation to coordinate, form committee and make recommendations.   Pride in Hebron –   Develop a Pride in Hebron program which would include such programs as Community Clean Up Day – organize a cleanup day involving community groups/organizations and a community Arts/Business Day – organize local artists and local businesses to promote their activities and the Town of Hebron. 
  9. Long term disposition of the former Hebron Service Center property on Route 85 at 501 Church Street
  10. Consolidation or Rezoning of the Town Center District Zone and Amston Lake Zone
  11. Engineering and Design Recommendation for Public Works Department Facility
  12. Comprehensive Review/Update of Zoning Regulations
  13. Facility StudyContinue with the facility study looking at the use of buildings, along with the efficient use of space to meet current Town staff needs. Continue to budget and implement necessary upgrades and maintenance as recommended in the facility study.
  14. Open Space:     Through the Open Space Land Acquisition Committee (OSLA):
    1. Grants – Identify and apply for grants available from State, Federal and private/non-profit sources and prepare priorities as time frames necessitate.
    2. Land Acquisition – Secure land for the Town which is identified by OSLA as a priority purchase and to work towards the goal of 41% permanent open space in Hebron.
  15. Historical Through the assistance of the Historic Properties Commission and Historical Society:
    1. GrantsApply for grants, outside funding sources and designations for appropriate historical properties in Hebron, so that the taxpayer does not pay for the preservation of historic property.

Priority # 4 – BUDGETING

  1. Budgeting for Core ServicesThe list of core services has been identified and prioritized by the Selectmen. Update and finalize the costs and revenues identified in relation to the Core Services List.
  2. 2014-2015 Budget – Present 2014-2015 budget in May of 2014 to taxpayers of Hebron which they will consider fair, effective and efficient use of their tax dollars and will be approved by the voters in the first vote.
  3. Financial PoliciesWith the Board of Finance: develop a Debt Management Policy, along with a future Debt Plan; develop a Fund Balance Policy; finalize and implement an Ambulance Fund.
  4. Unfunded Mandates/Educational FundingWork at the State level in stopping and turning back unfunded mandates that increase taxes to the residents and business owners of Hebron. Assist the Board of Education in securing monies from the State and Federal Level for ECS and Special Education funding.
  5. Senior Tax Abatements – Periodically review, through the Commission on Aging, the tax abatement options for the seniors and make recommendations for changes in the tax abatement program.
  6. Tax Abatements – Review the Ordinance on tax abatement for citizens of Hebron and associated interest rate.