Town of Hebron > Contact > Boards & Commissions
Boards & Commissions
Below is a list of the boards and commissions of the Town of Hebron.
Board of Selectmen (5)
(R) Peter D. Kasper, Chairman
(R) Daniel E. Larson, Vice Chairman
(D) Tiffany V. Thiele
(R) Keith C. Petit
(D) Claudia T. Riley
Town Manager
Andrew J. Tierney
Board of Finance (5)
(R) Diane L. DelRosso, Chairman
(R) Michael T. McCormack, Vice Chairman
(D) Malcolm Leichter, Jr.
(R) James DeDonato
(D) Brian Thibeault
Board of Education (7)
(D) Heather R. Petit, Chairman
(R) Joseph Margaitis
(D) Nicole A. Matthews
(R) Kimberly R. Hills
(R) Sera Coppolino
(D) Eleisha LeMay
(R) Allyson Schmeizl
Regional School District #8 Board of Education (5)
(D) Heather J. Summerer, Chairman
(R) Michael Charron
(R) Joseph A. Colletti
(R) Gabriel J. Marques
(R) Michael Beaulieu
Planning & Zoning Commission (5)
(D) Frank Zitkus, Chairman
(R) Devon S. Garner
(D) David V. Sousa
(D) Janet Fodaski
(R) Christopher Cyr
Planning & Zoning Alternates (2)
(R) Bradley Franzese
(D) Davis Howell
Zoning Board of Appeals (5)
(R) Martin Halloran, Chairman
(R) Jim Petrozza, Secretary
(D) Bryan D. Smith
(D) Courtney Hayes
(D) Amy DeCesare
ZBA Alternates (3)
(R) Steve Weir
(D) William Alexander
(R) June Danaher
Board Of Assessment Appeals (3)
(D) David Rose, Chairman
(R) Phil LoBianco
(R) Thomas Tremont
Conservation Commission (5)
(R) Thomas Loto, Chairman
(D) Christopher Frey, Vice Chairman
(U) Daniel Seremet
(U) Joanna Chester
(R) Jasmin Okugic
Conservation Commission Alternates (2)
Charter Revision Commission (7)
(D) Heather Petit, Chairman
(R) Donna Lanza, Vice Chairman
(D) Adam Ockman
(D) Machel Gauthier
(R) Jessica Stewart
(U) Allegra Weir
WPCA (5)
(R) Chris Hemberger, Chairman
(U) Benjamin Gilmore, Vice Chairman
(D) Kevin Grady
(D) James R. Riley
Municipal Agent For Elderly
Sharon Garrard
Commission On Aging (7)
(R) Catherine Litwin
(D) Sandra Waldo
(R) Angela Corentin
(D) Jo Souza
(D) Rebecca Tamsin
(D) Margaret Gibbs
Commission On Aging Alternates (2)
Economic Development Commission (5)
(D) Michelle Nicholson, Chairman
(R) Scot Kauffman, Vice Chairman
(R) Jon Lesisko
(D) Crandall R. Yopp
Economic Development Alternates (2)
Housing Authority (5)
(D) Florence O’Sullivan, Chairman
(R) Anne-Lee Boynton
(D) Deborah Hart
(D) John D’Atri
Housing Choices Advisory Committee (5)
(D) Pamela Atwood
(U) Stephen Wells
(D) Lilliam Rhodes
(U) Jim Celio
(R) Scot Kauffman
Housing Choices Advisory Committee Alternate
(D) Florence O’Sullivan
Historic Properties Commission (5)
(R) Mary Ann Foote, Chairman
(D) Susan Morin
(U) Jon Minard
(R) Patricia Larson
(R) June Danaher
Historic Properties Commission Alternates (3)
(R) Ethan Stone
Parks & Recreation Commission (7)
(R) Ken Jardin, Chairman
(R) Kate Wilcox
(D) Eric May
(D) Ryan Price
(D) Maria Morelli-Wolfe
(D) Adam Thiele
(U) Travis Carter
Parks & Recreation Commission Alternates (2)
Tricentennial Commission (13)
Open Space Land Acquisition Committee (8)
(D) Brian O’Connell, Chairman
(D) John Mullaney, Vice Chairman
(D) Frank Zitkus, Secretary
(R) James Cordier
(D) Christopher Frey
(R) James DeDonato
(R) Keith Petit
(R) Kate Wilcox
Panel Of Moderators
(D) Kevin Connors
(R) Scot Kauffman
(D) Joseph Krist
Public Building Committee (5)
(U) Wayne Warwick, Chairman
(D) Richard Steiner
(D) Malcolm Leichter
Green Committee (7)
(D) Michael Harder
(D) Lindsay Ockman
(U) Brian Barlow
Green Committee Alternates (2)
(U) Joshua Esposito
Library Board of Trustees (9)
(U) Patricia Ayars, Chairman
(D) Peter Casarella, Vice-Chairman
(U) Susan Porter
(R) Gail B. Richmond
(R) Mary Ann Foote
(D) Dale Bland
(U) Emily Cyr
(D) Margaret Clifton
Brownfield Task Force
(R) Gerald Garfield
(R) Jon Lesisko
(D) Christopher Frey
(R) Devon Garner
Ken Slater
Judge of Probate Sean Peoples |
Fire Chief Peter Starkel |
Deputy Fire Chief Dan Huppe |
Assistant Fire Chief Dan Phelps, 1st Assistant Chief Matthew Barrett, Second Assistant Chief |
Hebron Parking Violations Hearing Officer G. William Cox |
Fire Marshal Chris Bray |
Deputy Fire Marshal John Spaulding |
Burning Official Tony Pitrone |
Resident State Trooper Bryce Reed |
Hebron Police Officers Marc Rubera Ricardo Martinez Thomas Regan Thomas Topulos Kevin Dowd |
Registrar of Voters (R) John F. Richmond (D) Elizabeth Fitzgerald Deputy Registrar of Voters (R) Nancy Weisenburger (D) Thomas Golub |
Director Of Health Russell Melmed, Director, Chatham Health District |
Fish & Wild Life Constable Dan Larson |
Emergency Management Director Paul Bancroft |
Deputy Emergency Management Director Slawomir Chrostowski |
RHAM Superintendent of Schools Colin McNamara |
Hebron Superintendent of Schools Thomas Baird |
Library Director Drusilla Carter |
North Central Regional Mental Health Board vacant |
Director of Public Works Paul Forrest |
Parks & Recreation Director Craig Bryant |
Animal Control Officer Jason Hunniford |
Tree Warden Paul Forrest |
AHM Youth Services Tressa Giordano |
Town Attorney Kenneth Slater |
Senior Services Coordinator Sharon Garrard |
Central Regional Tourism District vacant |