March 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Commission on Aging
  • Hebron Maple Festiva…
  • Hebron Maple Festiva…
  • Republican Town Comm…
  • Democratic Town Comm…
  • Republican Town Comm…
  • Economic Development…
  • Food Share Van - Red…
  • Chatham Health Distr…
  • Hebron Board of Educ…
  • BOS/BOF Budget Works…
  • Green Committee

General Information

Administrative Office:
Town Office Building & Horton House, Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Voice Mail is now available, messages can be left after business hours, by calling 860-228-5971.

Board of Selectmen, Town Manager, Town Meeting. Annual Town Budget Referendum is held on the second Monday in May. Special Town Meetings as required. Hebron is in the 2nd Congressional District, 4th Senatorial District, 55th Assembly District.

Holiday Closings:
(Town Office Buildings and Transfer Station) New Years Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, Day Before/After Christmas.  2024 Holiday Schedule and 2025 Holiday Schedule

Resident State Trooper:
Bryce Reed, non-emergency phone number 860-228-3710; to leave a voice mail call 860-537-7555 ext. 4009; or Troop K, Colchester; 860-465-5400. Office in the Public Safety Building (Fire House), 44 Main Street.

Police, Fire, Ambulance, Emergency:
from all exchanges call 911.

Senior Coordinator/Municipal Agent For The Elderly:
Sharon Garrard, 860-228-1700, Office in Senior Center on Stonecroft Drive.

Housing Authority:
Senior Housing, Stonecroft Drive, 860-228-4411.

Town Clerk:
Voter registration daily during office hours. Dog Licenses can be obtained in the Town Clerk’s office, dogs over six months old must be licensed annually in June. Penalty charged after June 30th. Rabies certificate must be presented in order to obtain license.

State Representative:
(55th District) Steve Weir, Hebron

State Senator:
Cathy Osten, Sprague, 860-240-0579

Real estate is assessed at 70% of Market Value as of October 1st.

Motor Vehicle:
Assessed at 70% of Market Value as of October 1st. Vehicles purchased after October 1st are prorated and taxes will become due January 1st. NOTE: Vehicles cannot be re-registered until taxes are paid.
All delinquent motor vehicle taxes must be paid in cash, bank check, or by money order, per state law.

Personal Property:
Must be declared to the Assessor during the month of October. There is a 25% penalty for non-declaration. Personal Property includes, but not limited to, unregistered motor vehicles, business equipment, horses and machinery.

Board of Assessment Appeals:
Meets in March (Real Estate, Motor Vehicle, and Personal Property assessment appeals) and September (Motor Vehicle ONLY) to hear appeals from assessed value.

Sewer Assessments:
are due May 1st and Sewer Use Assessments are due October 1st and payable in full if the bill is $280.00 or less.

Veterans with wartime service are entitled to exemptions. Veterans discharges (DD214) must be on file with the Town Clerk before October 1st to qualify. Additional exemptions are available for the elderly, blind, Social Security disabilities, farm machinery, horses and ponies. Call the Assessor’s Office for details.

Hebron Veteran’s Memorial Park:
Located on Wall Street, this park offers a baseball field, softball field, soccer field, basketball courts, playscape, skate park and trails.

Grayville Falls:
Open 8:00 a.m. to sundown to Hebron residents for picnics, hiking, etc. Large groups contact Parks and Recreation Department at 860-530-1281 for reservations. Town stickers available at Town Office Building.

Airline Trail State Park:
This rail-to-trail facility now provides hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, running and walking opportunities. Access can be gained through Grayville Park or on Route 85 near Route 85 Lumber.

Gay City State Park:
For information call State of Connecticut D.E.E.P. @ 860-295-9523. Located on Route 85 near the Bolton Town Line, this park offers swimming, picnic areas, plus miles of maintained trails.

Douglas Library:
22 Main Street, Hebron, 228-9312. Hours: Monday and Wednesday 12:00 to 8:00 p.m., Tuesday and Thurday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Friday, noon to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Probate Court:
Probate Court is now the “Glastonbury Hebron Probate Court” located at the Glastonbury Town Hall, 2155 Main Street, Glastonbury
Judge Sean Peoples,  Phone 860-652-7629 Fax 860-368-2520

Vendor Permits:
Must be obtained to sell or vend upon the streets/highways of Hebron. Permit applications are available at the Town Office Building in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Trade Names:
Certificates of Trade Names must be filed by persons doing business under any name other than their own. Certificates can be obtained in the Towns Clerk’s Office.

Held at the Hebron Elementary School, 92 Church Street (Route 85), hours are from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for all elections. Town elections are held every two years on odd numbered years.

Animal Control Officer:
860-228-5971 ext.150.