March 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Commission on Aging
  • Hebron Maple Festiva…
  • Hebron Maple Festiva…
  • Republican Town Comm…
  • Democratic Town Comm…
  • Republican Town Comm…
  • Economic Development…
  • Food Share Van - Red…
  • Chatham Health Distr…
  • Hebron Board of Educ…
  • BOS/BOF Budget Works…
  • Green Committee

Volunteer Opportunities


March 2025



Board of Assessment Appeals: (3) Regular Elected, (3) Alternates Appointed

Current Vacancy (3) Alternates

The Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) is an official municipal agency. It is designed to serve as an appeal body for taxpayers who believe that the Assessor erred in the valuation of their properties or
erroneously denied an exemption. The BAA is the first level of appeal from the actions of the Assessors.


Commission on Aging: (7) Regular, (2) Alternate
Meet the first Wednesday at 8:30 a.m.

Current Vacancy: (1) Regular (2) Alternate

The Commission on Aging consists of seven (7) members, each of whom shall serve four (4) year overlapping terms. Additionally, there are two (2) alternate members. The Commission is charged with studying the needs of and coordinating programs for the aging in the Town of Hebron and may organize itself in whatever manner it may determine to carry out its duties.


Conservation Commission: (5) Regular, (2) Alternate Members
Meet the second Thursday 7:30 p.m.

Current Vacancy: (2) Alternates

The Hebron Conservation Commission is the Town’s land use agency consisting of five citizen members that is mandated and empowered by the State of Connecticut to enforce the Inland Wetlands Act (Sections 22a-36 and 22a-45 inclusive) of the Connecticut General Statutes as amended and adopted local wetland regulations specific to Hebron. Commission members, appointed by the Board of Selectmen, serve four-year overlapping terms during which they participate in ongoing training and educational programs intended to aid in the understanding and execution of their duties.


Economic Development Commission: (5) Regular (2) Alternate Members
Meet the third Monday at 7:00 p.m.

Current Vacancies: (2) Alternates

To promote the growth of Hebron’s non-residential tax base in a manner consistent with the town plan while minimizing the impact on the existing environment or the desirable rural character of the community by:

  • Working to retain and assist existing businesses;
  • Working to attract new low-impact business development to Hebron that will increase tax revenues, and provide desirable goods, services and employment opportunities.


Water Pollution Control Authority  (5) Regular Members
Meet the 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.

Current Vacancies:  (1) Regular

The Mission of the Town of Hebron WPCA is to oversee and maintain the wastewater system in accordance with State and Federal Standards.  The WPCA serves the community by identifying needs of a changing population and preparing for future generations.  Maintaining the sewer system helps to promote business and enhances the quality of life for the residents of the Town of Hebron.


Historic Properties Commission: (5) Regular, (3) Alternate Members
Meet the second Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Current Vacancy:  (1) Alternates

The Historic Properties Commission is charged with promoting the identification, preservation and protection of historic properties within the Town, and to preserve and protect their architectural and historical integrity. See for information on Hebron’s historic properties.


Parks and Recreation Commission: (7) Regular, (2) Alternate Members
Meet the fourth Monday at 7:00 p.m.

Current Vacancies: (2) Alternates

To enhance the quality of life for all Hebron residents.

Offer a diverse cultural community and special event activities for all family members.
Offer a full array of informational services of all leisure activities and organizations.
Provide professional leisure department assistance to all community groups.
Provide quality leisure opportunities in a safe and healthy atmosphere.
Provide a well-maintained park system and recreational facilities.
Provide a comprehensive Master Plan for park development.
Preserve open space for future generations.


Green Committee: (7) Regular, (2) Alternate Members
Meet the fourth Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Current Vacancies: (3) Regular (1) Alternate

The Hebron Green Committee is a group of Hebron resident volunteers, appointed by the Board of Selectmen, that act as the eyes and ears for all things eco-friendly in Hebron, the nation and the world.  They have monthly meetings and work closely with the Town Hall and the Public Works Department.


Public Building Committee: (5) Regular, (2) Alternate Members
Meet the 3rd Monday 6:30 p.m.

Current Vacancies: (2) Regular, (2) Alternate

Members. There shall be a Public Building Committee composed of five (5) regular and two (2) alternate members, electors of the Town in conformance with the minority representation requirements of C.G.S. § 9-167a, all to serve for terms of four (4) years each.

Duties.  It shall be the duty of the Public Building Committee with the assistance of the on call Architectural and Engineering professionals or any other outside professionals that are deemed appropriate to develop preliminary plans and cost estimates and supervise the construction of, addition to, or alteration of any capital project and any other project at the Board of Selectmen’s discretion, approved by the Selectmen, based upon a statement of need, including specified requirements and specifications.  Plans and estimates should include, where necessary, land acquisition costs, site improvement and other appurtenances, together with any equipment and furnishings. This Public Building Committee shall be the official Building Committee for the Town of Hebron.  Additional members may be added to the Committee based on the requirements of the project(s) that the Committee is overseeing and /or as may be proscribed by law.

Interested candidates should attend a meeting of the board or commission in which they may have an interest and discuss with the Chairman the frequency of meetings and the time commitment involved.

All residents of Hebron who are registered to vote are eligible. Letters of interest or questions may be addressed to The Town Manager’s Office, Town of Hebron, 15 Gilead Street, Hebron CT  06248 or call (860) 228-5971.


January 2025