Business Personal Property
Business personal property is defined as all tangible property that is not permanently affixed to real estate. This property includes, but is not limited to: unregistered motor vehicles, machinery, equipment, furniture, fixtures, tools, computers, leasehold improvements, supplies. Businesses are required to annually file with the assessor a list of all tangible personal property for taxation purposes as of the October 1st assessment date. (per CGS §12-40). The Assessor applies depreciation factors to current values. The annual filing of personal property is due November 1st; extensions may be granted for just cause if a request for extension is received by the assessor no later than November 1st. If November 1st falls on a holiday or weekend, the due date is the Monday next following the November 1st due date.
Forms are mailed to businesses at the most current address that has been made available to the Assessor’s office by October 1st. Failure to receive a declaration does not remove the requirement to file. Declarations must be received or postmarked by the due date of November 1st to be considered timely. Declarations received or postmarked after the due date will be subject to a 25% assessment penalty per Connecticut General Statute. If your business does not file a declaration or files an incomplete declaration, the assessor will apply an estimated assessment to your account as well as a 25% assessment penalty to the estimated or incomplete portion of the declaration.
Exemptions may be available for property used in Manufacturing equipment, Farm Machinery and Buildings, Mechanics Tools, Horses or Ponies, Solar, Water Pollution or Air Pollution, and Commercial Fishing, within state statute allowances. Exemptions are not automatic and may require application. Exemption forms are available online and at the office of the Assessor.
If you are a new Business Owner, please fill out the New Business form that is available so that the Assessor’s office will have correct information including type of business, location, mailing address, and contact information. Any questions regarding filing requirement for business personal property can be answered by the Assessor’s office staff.
Please contact the Assessor’s office and provide proof of business closure. This could include: cancellation of trade name or trade license, proof of registration or filing in another town, proof of relocation, or business bill of sale. If you have received a personal property declaration, complete the appropriate information on the form indicating you are no longer operating in Hebron and return to the Assessor.
Motor vehicles (unless specifically exempt by statute) are considered personal property and subject to taxation even if they are not registered. If you have a motor vehicle on your property that is not registered, or is registered in another state but is located on your property, you are required to complete a personal property declaration for that motor vehicle. Please complete the appropriate declaration form and return to the Assessor’s office. Contact the office of the Assessor with any questions.
Declaration and Exemption forms: