March 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Commission on Aging
  • Hebron Maple Festiva…
  • Hebron Maple Festiva…
  • Republican Town Comm…
  • Democratic Town Comm…
  • Republican Town Comm…
  • Economic Development…
  • Food Share Van - Red…
  • Chatham Health Distr…
  • Hebron Board of Educ…
  • BOS/BOF Budget Works…
  • Green Committee

B. Hebron Infrastructure

Centrally Located with Easy Highway / Air Access to Major Markets:

Routes 2 and 84 link Hebron to major commercial areas within Connecticut. Hartford, New London, and New Haven are within a thirty-minute commute. Additionally, both Routes 2 and 84 connect to interstate highways, affording access to major industrial markets within 500-mile radius of Hebron. These include Boston, New York, Montreal and Baltimore.

Bradley International Airport, Windsor Locks, is less than an hour away. This recently expanded air terminal is New England’s second busiest offering both passenger service and air freight express. Commuter service for smaller aircraft located within a thirty-minute drive includes Windham and Brainard Airports.

Town Roadways:

There are approximately 101.23 miles of roads in Hebron.  Of this amount the State of Connecticut maintains 22.23 miles (22 percent), the Town maintains 77.40 miles (76 percent), and 1.6 miles (2 percent) are privately owned and maintained roads.

The main State roads in Hebron are CT routes 66 and 85.  The main north-south roadway in Hebron is CT RT 85, Gilead Street north of CT RT 66 and Church Street south of CT RT66.  The main east-west roadway is CT RT 66, Main Street east of CT RT 85 and West Main Street west of CT RT 85.  CT RT 66 is the most heavily travelled roadway in Town, up to 16,000 average daily trips, and serves commuter traffic from eastern CT traveling west to access Route 2 and the greater Hartford area.

Sewer Service District

The Town of Hebron established a sewer service district in the 1980’s and constructed a public sewer system in the 1990’s that serves generally Hebron Center and the Amston Lake District and along Church Street (Route 85).  The system is administered by the Water Pollution Control Commission (WPCA).  Approximately 17 miles of sewer lines have been installed, and are supported by 9 pump stations.  Sewers were installed along the following roads: Route 85 from Route 66 south to Crouch Road, Crouch Road, North Pond Road, Brennan Road, portions of Hope Valley Road, Slicer Drive, portions of Millstream Road, Kinney Road, portions of Wall Street, Main Street, Wellswood Road and the streets in the Amston Lake area.

While the primary purpose of the system was to address areas of septic failures, an important purpose was to promote economic development in Hebron consistent with the goals and objectives of the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development.

Mapping of the Sewer Service System can be found on the Town’s Geographic Information System (GIS) by clicking on the following link.  Sewer Service System.

Additional information on this system can be obtained by contacting the WPCA Administrator, Kevin Kelly, at .

Water Systems:

Much of the Town of Hebron relies to a large extent on private wells for their drinking water supply. This is typical in a rural, residential New England community of this size and density.  In those areas of Town where a public water supply is required, it is generally supplied by the Connecticut Water Company (CWC).  CWC is a privately owned water company, headquartered in Clinton, CT and has been granted a franchise from the State of CT Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) to operate a water company in Hebron.  CWC also operates under the review and oversight of the State of CT Department of Public Health to ensure that the systems, and the water supplied, meets the current public health standards.

Currently CWC owns and operates seven public water supply systems within Hebron, bringing public water to residences and businesses located in these neighborhoods.  These seven systems are: Hebron Center; Amston Lake; Wellswood; Mill at Stonecroft; London Park; Country Manor; and, Christ Lutheran Church.

Mapping of the public water systems can be found on the Town’s Geographic Information System (GIS) by clicking on the following link.  Public Water System.

Additional information can be acquired at: 1-800-286-5700

Natural Gas:

The Town of Hebron has had a natural gas transmission line and natural gas service in the northern portion of Town for many years.  In 2017, eight miles of new natural gas mains were installed in Hebron bringing natural gas service down East Street to CT RT 85.  From there gas lines extend north to Gilead Hill School and south to the Town Center.  Gas main are now installed throughout the Main Street business district including John E. Horton Boulevard, and south on CT RT 85 to Hebron Elementary School.  Natural gas service is provided by CT Natural Gas (CNG).  For additional information, the company can be reached at:

Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation
Meadow Street, Hartford, CT

(860) 456-8745

or, at:



Interested in doing business in Hebron?


Matthew Bordeaux, Director of Planning and Development
860.228.5971 x 137