March 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Commission on Aging
  • Hebron Maple Festiva…
  • Hebron Maple Festiva…
  • Republican Town Comm…
  • Democratic Town Comm…
  • Republican Town Comm…
  • Economic Development…
  • Food Share Van - Red…
  • Chatham Health Distr…
  • Hebron Board of Educ…
  • BOS/BOF Budget Works…
  • Green Committee


What are your office hours?

Monday – Wednesday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Closed Monday thru Thursday from 12:30 PM – 1:15 PM for lunch

When can I expect my tax bill?

Tax bills for Real Estate, Motor Vehicle, and Personal Property are mailed in late June. Supplemental Motor Vehicle bills will be sent in late December.

Are there other types of tax bills mailed throughout the year?

Additional tax bills will be generated at a later date for : 1. Real Estate in which a Certificate of Occupancy is issued after October 1st . Mailing dates and due dates will vary. 2. Bills added per Certificate of Correction issued by the Assessor’s Office.

What should I do if I do not receive a bill?

Be on the lookout in the Rivereast News Bulletin for Press Releases & Legal Notices regarding upcoming taxes due. Contact our office to inquire/request a copy at 860-228-5971 Option 4. It is the responsibility of the taxpayer to pay taxes on all property owned. Connecticut State Statute 12 – 130 states failure to receive a bill does not invalidate the tax

What should I do if I receive a bill and I escrow?

One bill is been mailed. If you received it then your escrow company has not. Contact the escrow agent to confirm they are in fact responsible for the bill and plan to submit payment.

When are my taxes due?

All Motor Vehicles and Personal Property registered as of October 1st are due in a single installment on July 1 . Real Estate taxes of $250.00 or less are due in one installment on July 1 . Real Estate taxes over $250.00 are due in two equal installments on July 1 and January 1 (Please note the payment voucher for your January Real Estate payment will be included on your July bill) . Motor Vehicles registered between October and August will be due the following January 1. Taxes due July 1st have a grace period through August 1 to pay without penalty. Taxes due January 1st have a grace period through February 1 to pay without penalty.

What if the due date falls on a holiday or weekend?

If the final day to pay is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday payment may be made the next business day in accordance with Connecticut State Statute 12 – 169.

How can I pay my taxes?

1. In person at the Town Office Building located at 15 Gilead St.
2. Dropbox located to the right of the lower level door on the south side of the building. The box is secure and checked in the morning. (No cash)
3. By mail: Tax Collector 15 Gilead Street Hebron, CT 06248-1500.
4. Online by selecting the Pay & View Taxes Online or click here.

What forms of payment do you accept?

Taxes can be paid with Cash, check (made payable to Town of Hebron ), bank check, money order, credit card, ACH/bank account (online). Instructions for paying by credit card and ACH online are available on the ‘payment options menu ’.

What is the current mill rate?

The mill rate has been set at 34.50 (Real Estate & Personal Property Bills) & 32.46 (Motor Vehicle Bills) for the Grand List dated October 1, 2023.

What are my tax bills based on?

Your tax bills are based on what you owned on October 1 . Motor Vehicle bills are generated from your registration records at the Connecticut DMV. Corrections or changes to registration must be reported to the DMV for each motor vehicle.

How are my taxes calculated?

Taxes are calculated by multiplying your assessment by the mill rate. (ex. 1000 x .032.46 = $32.46)

What happens if my taxes become delinquent?

Interest is assessed on all delinquent amounts at the rate of 1.5% per month (18% annually) retroactively to the due date. Interest is assessed at the beginning of each month.  There is a minimum interest charge of $2 per account. Interest will be applied in accordance with Connecticut State Statute 12 – 146.

Delinquent Motor Vehicles Taxes are reported to DMV. You will be prohibited from registering or renewing any vehicle until such time as all motor vehicles taxes have been paid in full. To receive an immediate clearance, delinquent taxes must be paid with cash, bank check, or money order. If you choose to pay with a personal check a 3-day (Business) or waiting period will be required to obtain a release. DMV will not accept your payment receipt in lieu of a clearance.  Our department will log on to DMV and clear taxes on a weekly basis.

What types of enforcement action are taken on delinquent taxes?

  • Delinquent Notices mailed September and March
  • Alias Tax Warrants issued November and April to a State Marshal
  • Real Estate liens filed in May
  • Payment plans reviewed on a monthly basis and Real Estate accounts are reviewed annually for referral to the town’s attorney

What if I no longer own a motor vehicle or I have moved out of the town/state?

You are still responsible for timely payment of the tax bill. You may be entitled to an adjustment if you provide the Assessor’s Office with the information they require. The Assessor’s Office can be reached at (860)228-5971 x126. Be sure to update the address on the registration for all of your vehicles with DMV.  DMV now allows many transactions to be done online.  Click here to access their site.

What if I paid off my mortgage?

Contact our office so we may remove the bank code and note your account. Note your calendar to make sure you receive tax bills when they are due. Connecticut State Statute 12 – 130 states failure to receive a bill does not invalidate the tax.

What if I reside in the Sewer District?

The Sewer Use rate is determined by the WPCA in June. In Hebron you are billed a flat rate with few exceptions (muliti – family dwellings and some businesses ). If you are hooked up to the town’s sewer line expect a use bill mailed to you late September with the first installment due Oct. 1 delinquent after Nov. 1.

The single family flat rate bills are due in two installments. If there is a 2nd installment it will be noted on the bill with a separate payment voucher to be submitted with your payment. The 2nd installments are due April 1, delinquent after May 1.  All Sewer Bills are treated like taxes and are subject to the same statutes and enforcements.