March 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • Commission on Aging
  • Hebron Maple Festiva…
  • Hebron Maple Festiva…
  • Republican Town Comm…
  • Democratic Town Comm…
  • Republican Town Comm…
  • Economic Development…
  • Food Share Van - Red…
  • Chatham Health Distr…
  • Hebron Board of Educ…
  • BOS/BOF Budget Works…
  • Green Committee

Town Clerk


Regular Office Hours:

Monday through Wednesday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Thursday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
and Friday 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
for information, call 228-5971 x 125.



The office of the Town Clerk is one of the oldest in government. It is the information center and official record keeper for the Town of Hebron. The Town Clerk serves as clerk to town meetings, and is responsible for processing, maintaining and preserving land record documents. Some of the additional functions of the Town Clerk are to make preparations for federal, state and local elections, primaries and referenda; track memberships on boards and commissions; record and maintains agenda and meeting minutes of boards and commissions; issue marriage licenses, certify birth, marriage, and death certificates; maintain town ordinances, maintain the vaults and act as the keeper of the Town Seal.

Call us with your questions at 860-228-5971 x 125.


– Presidential Preference Primary – April 2, 2024
– Budget Referendum – May 7, 2024 RESULTS
– State Primary – August 13, 2024 (Early Voting dates – August 5,6,7,8,9,10 & 11)
– General Election – November 5, 2024 (Early Voting dates – October 21 -31 & November 1 – 3)

Guidance for Voters of All Abilities

Guidance for Voters with Print Disabilities

Register to Vote Online
Registration Application
Online Absentee Ballot Application
Referendum Voter Absentee Ballot Application
Federal Postcard Application

All Absentee Ballot Applications must be returned to the Hebron Town Clerk, 15 Gilead Street, Hebron CT 06248.

All Voter Registration Cards should be returned to Hebron Registrar of Voters,15 Gilead Street, Hebron, CT 06248.

Register to Vote:
To register to vote in Connecticut you must be:
– A United States citizen;
– Be a resident of a Connecticut town;
– Be at least 17 years old.  17-year-old, who will turn 18 on or before election day, may participate in a general primary.
– Have completed confinement and parole if previously convicted of a felony.


Absentee Ballots:
Connecticut voters with a valid CT drivers license may complete an online application for an absentee ballot . Connecticut law allows you to receive an absentee ballot if you cannot appear at your assigned polling place on election day because of active service in the Military, absence from the town during all of the hours of voting, illness, religious tenets forbid secular activity on the day of the election, duties as an election official at a polling place other than your own during all of the hours of voting, or physical disability.  If you are eligible and wish to vote by absentee ballot you can apply online or:

  1. fill out an application and
  2. deliver the completed application by mail or in person to the Hebron Town Clerk, 15 Gilead Street, Hebron, CT 06248.

Hebron voters who wish to cast their vote in person should report on the day of election to:
Hebron Elementary School
92 Church Street, Hebron, CT 06248
between the hours of 6:00 am to 8:00 pm

Permanent Absentee Ballots:
To apply for a Permanent Absentee Ballot, you must complete an Absentee Ballot Application and obtain a doctor’s certificate stating that you have a permanent disability and are unable to appear in person at your polling place. Please return both to the Hebron Town Clerk, 15 Gilead Street, Hebron CT 06248.

JUSTICE of the PEACE       List of Current Hebron Justices of the Peace


Birth Certificates:
Birth certificates are on file for anyone born in Hebron or anyone whose mother resided in Hebron at the time of their birth.

Photo identification must be presented when a request is made for a certified copy of a birth certificate. If a request is made by mail, please mail a completed Birth Certificate Request Form, a copy of the applicant’s photo identification, appropriate payment by check or money order and a SASE to the Hebron Town Clerk. You may request a birth certificate for yourself, your child, grandchild, parent, grandparent or spouse.
Short form Birth Certificate:                               $15.00
Full Size Certified copy of Birth Certificate:    $20.00

Puerto Rico’s Birth Certificate Law
The government of Puerto Rico enacted a law aimed at strengthening the issuance and usage of birth certificates to combat fraud and protect the identity and credit of all people born in Puerto Rico.
All Puerto Rico birth certificates issued before July 1, 2010, will be invalidated so that new, more secure certificates can be issued. United States residents born in Puerto Rico will be able to request and receive a replacement birth certificate through a simple process by mail or online at
The fee of $5.00 is waived for people over 60 and veterans.
Applications are available at the Town Clerk’s Office located at 15 Gilead Street, Hebron, CT.

Marriage Licenses:
Marriage licenses are issued by appointment using the following procedure:

  • Please complete the Marriage License Worksheet
  • Submit the worksheet by email to and
  • A Draft of your license will be returned to you by email.
  • Once you have reviewed the draft and have confirmed it is accurate and correct, an appointment of a mutually agreeable time will be scheduled for you to appear in the Town Clerk’s office to take your oath and obtain your marriage license.
  • Once you have obtained your license, you will have 65 days within which to have your ceremony. The officiant of the ceremony will complete the marriage license and return it to the Town Clerk.
  • The Town Clerk will register the marriage. Certified copies of your certificate will then be available at a fee of $20 per copy.
  • List of Hebron Justices of the Peace


  • Marriage licenses must be obtained in the town where the ceremony is to be held.
  • Once issued, the license is valid for 65 days and must be used in the town designated on the license.
  • Couples need not be present at the same time, but both individuals must appear before the Town Clerk to sign the license. It is preferred that parties appear together.

Marriage License Fees:  
Marriage License fee                                      $50.00
Certified copy of the marriage certificate   $20.00

After the ceremony has been performed, the officiant will return the marriage certificate to the Town Clerk for completion and recording. Certified copies will then be available at the Town Clerk’s office in the town of occurrence, and subsequently, in the towns of residence of both parties. Photo identification must be presented when a request is made for a certified copy containing the Social Security numbers of the parties. If the request is made by mail, please mail a completed Request for copy of certified Marriage License, a copy of the applicant’s photo identification, appropriate payment for a certified copy of the marriage license by check or money order and a SASE to the Town Clerk of Hebron.

Death Certificate Requests & Fees
Hebron maintains death records for individuals that have died in Hebron, or for Hebron resident that have died outside the Town, but within the State of Connecticut. Photo identification must be presented when a request is made by a party who is entitled to receive a copy with the parties’ social security numbers not redacted. If a request is made by mail, please mail a completed Request for copy of Certified Death Certificate, a copy of the applicant’s photo identification, appropriate payment by check or money order and a SASE to the Town Clerk of Hebron.

The fee for a certified copy of a death record is $20.00.



FREE FRAUD ALTERT NOTIFICATION: Hebron Residents Sign up for Notification of New Transactions

With FRAUD ALERT Hebron residents can sign up to receive alerts whenever a document, such as a mortgage, lien or deed is recorded under your name in the Hebron land records.  Recorded documents can be viewed online.
SIGN UP could not be easier.  Visit the SIGN UP site enter your email address. Then enter up to 3 variations of your name as it may appear on a document. You will receive a confirmation email. That is it. Now anytime a document is recorded against any of the names you entered on the sign up page, you will receive an email letting you know that something has been recorded. You can look at the recorded document by going to the Town Clerk’s page of the Hebron Town website and selecting Search LAND RECORDS Database.
We  are very pleased to offer this service to our residents and hope that it affords some peace of mind.
PLEASE NOTE: There may be multiple property owners in Hebron that share the same name.
Please contact the Town Clerk’s office if we can assist you in signing up for this FREE service.


Internet access to the Town of Hebron Land Records is now available for your convenience. The indices to the Hebron Land Records are complete through the date indicated.

Land Recording & Copy Fees Information

Recording Documents $60.00 first page, $5.00 each additional page of same document. *See below for recording fees for documents recorded by a Nominee.


Recording Surcharge $2.00 for each conveyance with consideration of $2,000.00 or more.


Recording Nominee (MERS)  – Assignment/ Release: (Grantor only) $159.00 flat fee (no per page fee)

– All other documents including Assignment/ Release (Nominee as Grantee)       $159.00 plus $5.00 per additional page after the first page


State Conveyance Taxes A State Conveyance Tax Form is required to accompany each instrument that conveys an interest in real estate.
State Tax Rates and Conveyance Tax Information:  Click here.
State Conveyance Tax Forms:  Click here.
 Municipal Conveyance Tax A Municipal Conveyance Tax Form is required to accompany each instrument that conveys an interest in real estate only if the sales price is not included in the body of the text of the conveying instrument or is not listed on the State Conveyance Tax Form.  The sales price must also be listed in either place for exempt transactions.


Maps $30.00 for subdivisions, $20.00 for site plans, easements, boundary maps, etc.
Copies Copies of land records are $1.00 per page. Full-sized copies of maps are $6.00 and 11 x 17″ or smaller are $2.00.


       $1.00 per page for copies and $2.00 certification fee per document.

Unlawful Restrictive Covenant Affidavit and Form: PA 21-173 (c) Any owner of real property who identifies an unlawful restrictive covenant in an instrument recorded on the land records that relates to real property owned by such person may file either affidavit.
pursuant to section 47-12a of the general statutes, as amended by this act, or a form described in subsection (f) of this section, with the town clerk in the municipality where the real property is located, identifying the existence of such unlawful restrictive covenant. Such affidavit or form shall (1) be in the form required by section 47-12a of the general statutes, as amended by this act; (2) identify the volume and page of the land records for the instrument or instruments that contain the unlawful restrictive covenant; and (3) state that the affidavit or form is being filed to carry out the provisions of this section.

E-Recording: The Town Clerk’s office accepts electronic recording of all land record filings via the following delivery agents who can be contacted directly using the following links:



June is dog licensing month. All dogs residing in Hebron must be licensed during the month of June. Beginning July 1, late fees will accrue. License your dog by mail

The Town Clerk encourages everyone to license their dog(s) by mail to avoid waiting in line.  Please make checks payable to the Town of Hebron. ~Thank you~

New Dogs (Licensing your dog for the first time in Hebron:
Puppies must be licensed within 30 days after turning 6 months old. Dogs new to you must be licensed within 30 days of obtaining them. You must provide documentation from the veterinarian showing the dog’s rabies vaccination expiration date. A license cannot be issued without this information. If your dog has been spayed or neutered, you must provide documentation from the veterinarian as proof.
All dogs licensed in the State of Connecticut require a current rabies vaccination.  When licensing your dog for the first time in Hebron, please provide the following:

  • appropriate fee (see Dog Licensing Fee Chart below)
  • a self-addressed stamped envelope (double postage)
  • dog owner’s name, address, phone # and e-mail address
  • dog’s name, breed, age and color
  • proof of neuter or spay
  • proof of current rabies vaccination


 ONLINE RENEWAL LICENSING   Available annually June 1 though August 31 only

All dog licenses are renewed in June and become effective July 1. If your dog’s rabies vaccination has expired since the last time you licensed your dog, you must provide documentation (tags do not qualify) from the veterinarian showing the new expiration date. Licenses cannot be renewed without this information. If your dog is newly spayed or neutered, you must provide documentation from the veterinarian as proof. This information can be provided via email

Dog Licensing Fee Chart:











Individuals seeking to become notaries may contact the Secretary of the State’s office. Applications and information are available online at the Secretary of the State’s website:  CT Secretary of the State Notary information. Phone: 860-509-6100. Applications must be submitted online.
Upon receipt of a Notary Public commission, a notary must appear before the Town Clerk of the town of residence within 30 days to be sworn in, the commission recorded and a sample of his or her signature taken. Additionally, the notary may record his or her commission in the town of business as well.
Original commission of Notary Public   $20.00
Notary Replacement Certificate              $15.00
Renewal commission                                 $20.00
Change of name only                                  $1.00
Change of address within town                FREE
Change of address to new town               $10.00

Notary Acknowledgement Services
Notary services are offered to the public in the Town Manager’s Office and the Town Clerk’s Office. There is a charge for notary service in accordance with CGS 3-95. Hebron residents will be charged a flat fee of $5.00 per document. Persons from out of town will be charged $5.00 per notary signature. Notary services are not available for wills or real estate transactions. For questions and identification requirements, please call the Town Manager’s office at 860-228-5971 ext. 120.



To receive a veteran’s exemption on the assessed value of your real or personal property, you must file your original DD-214 certificate (separation papers from active duty) along with an Application for Military Discharge Exemption in the Town Clerk’s office. A certified copy of your DD-214 previously filed with another town will be accepted if an original is not available. There is no fee associated with this filing.

Filing Deadline:
File by September 30 to receive credit on the following year’s tax bill.
For further information regarding your exemption, please contact the
Assessor’s Office at 860-228-5971 ext. 147.



NEW legislation regarding trade names t00k effect January 2025

The state of Connecticut has enacted new legislation regarding the filing of Trade Name Applications. The new law CGS 35-1a – 35-1e takes effect January 1, 2025.

Connecticut State Law requires that anyone conducting business under an assumed name (DBA) must file a Trade Name Certificate in the town clerk’s office in the town where business is being conducted. A Trade Name Application may be obtained online or from the Town Clerk’s office. Once it is completed with the business name and address, and the owner’s name and address, it must be notarized by a Notary. It is then filed in the Town Clerk’s office with a $20 recording fee.

All Trade Name Application Forms

Filing fee New Trade Name or an Amendment of an existing Trade Name :  $20.00

Do I need to file a Trade Name Application?



Connecticut hunting, trapping and fishing licenses, as well as all required deer, turkey, and migratory bird permits and stamps can be purchased online at the DEEP website.

The Town Clerk’s Office is an active licensing agent for the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection. Licenses may be purchased at the Town Clerk’s office during our regular business hours.

The Town Clerk’s office will only be able to issue a hunting license to an individual who has either:

  • purchased a hunting license within the past 5 years OR
  • proof of successful completion of the Connecticut Conservation Education/Firearms/Trapping/Archery course





Connecticut General Statutes:

Search by statute title: Click Here