Volunteers Sought to Serve on Charter Revision Commission
On October 5, 2023, the Hebron Board of Selectmen established a seven (7) member Charter Revision Commission. The Board is seeking volunteers who are electors within the Town of Hebron to serve on the Charter Revision Commission.
The Town Charter requires that there be a review of the Charter every five years. The Selectmen are currently reviewing items to be included in the charge. The Charter Document can be viewed on the Town of Hebron website at https://ecode360.com/10615452#10615452
Individuals volunteering to be on the Commission must be willing to commit to attending nearly all meetings of the Commission and should have some familiarity with the Town and municipal government.
If you are interested in being considered for appointment to the Charter Revision Commission, please send a letter of interest to the Board of Selectmen in care of the Town Manager’s Office, Town of Hebron, 15 Gilead Street, Hebron, CT 06248 or via email to atierney@hebronct.com by Friday, October 27, 2023. It is anticipated the appointments will be made at the November 2, 2023, Board of Selectmen meeting.