Gov. Lamont COVID-19 update
COVID-19 Chatham Health District presentation
COVID-19 Informational Seminar – March 3, 2020
Chatham Health District – update
Hebron Community Fund Opportunity
For a copy of the application, use the link below:
Legal Notice – Board Vacancy
Weather Alert – February 14, 2020
Holiday Notice
Eversource Notification
Good morning Hebron,
As part of our everyday effort to deliver reliable energy to our customers and communities, Eversource and our approved contractors will be conducting various activities associated with transmission line maintenance in Connecticut throughout the year. Work will take place within Eversource’s existing rights-of-way (powerline corridors) and on Eversource-owned property. Maintaining infrastructure is one of the many ways Eversource supports the safe and secure transmission of electricity throughout the region.
Eversource will also be continuing its inspections of existing transmission structures, both by foot and utilizing drone patrols.
For larger undertakings including structure replacement or potential vegetation management projects, we will follow-up with you to provide more detailed project schedules and specific locations. Additionally, as is our practice for these larger projects, we will be communicating with nearby property owners and performing door-to-door outreach ahead of any construction activities.
Our work hours will typically be Monday through Sunday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Please note that these work activities will not interrupt electric service to homes or businesses.
As part of these ongoing efforts, we may also be speaking with property owners in your community about topics such as securing off-right-of-way access on their properties. If anyone calls you with questions about any Eversource transmission line work, please let us know and we will follow up promptly.
Lastly, we also have our dedicated Project Hotline Number (1-800-793-2202) and email address (ProjectInfo@eversource.com) that is always available for any project-related inquiries.
On behalf of Eversource, we look forward to our continued partnership as we work in your community. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Eversource.
Community Relations and Economic Development-Connecticut |Eversource Energy
22 East High Street, East Hampton, CT 06424|( 860-267-3861 (office)
Report electric power outages: CT: 1-800-286-2000
Report gas odors in CT: 1-877-944-5325 or 911