Town of Hebron > News
Town of Hebron
2023 HHW Collection Schedule
2022 MS4 Annual Report
In accordance with the requirements of the CT DEEP General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, residents of the Town of Hebron are hereby informed that a draft of the 2022 MS4 Annual Report, which summarizes municipal stormwater compliance activities conducted within the Town of Hebron during calendar year 2022, will be posted on the town website on or before February 15, 2023 for a forty-five day public review and comment period prior to the draft being finalized and submitted electronically to the CT DEEP on or before April 01, 2023. Residents are hereby encouraged to review the report and submit written comments between February 15, 2023 and March 31, 2023. All comments should be addressed to Wade Thomas, Town MS4 Consultant at
Notice of Vacancy – Planning and Zoning Commission
Town Clerk Retirement Celebration
Holiday Observance – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Eversource Outage Reporting
All line damage on public roads have been reported to the utility companies. To report an outage on your property or check your outage status use this link:
Eversource Restoration Update: Hebron Sunday 12/25 by 8:00 a.m.
Water Distribution Charging/Warming
Saturday, December 24
WATER AND WARMING FIRE CO # 1 44 MAIN ST 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
HEBRON/ANDOVER/MARLBOROUGH RESIDENTS: WATER AVAILABILITY: The Hebron firehouse on Main Street will be open to get water from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM today. Enter through the red door in between the large red vehicle doors. If the firefighters are on a call, you may use the outside faucets as a last resort but BEWARE OF ICE.
The water at HFD is BYOB – bring your own bucket/container. We do not have bottled water.
WARMING/CHARGING AT LIBRARY 22 Main Street 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Bring your own chargers
The Town Manager/Emergency Management Director continue to work with Eversource to have power restored as soon as possible.
Christmas Holiday observance
Hebron Holiday Celebration POSTPONED until Sunday, December 4
The Hebron Holiday Celebration has been POSTPONED to Sunday December 4th due to weather concerns.
The event will begin at 4pm with the arrival of Santa Claus and ending with the Tree Lighting at 5pm. Hot cocoa will be served and crafts will be available during that time.
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you all on Sunday!