February 2025

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  • Chatham Health Distr…
  • Cancelled-Planning &…
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Planning & Development


Department Mission:

mapsmThe Planning and Development Department contains the offices that deal with any issue related to new building and development questions or applications. The Department offices include: the Town Planner, the Building Official, the Zoning Enforcement Officer, and the Wetlands Agent.  The Department works closely with and coordinates with the Chatham Health District, the Town Engineering Consultant, the Water Pollution Control Administrator and the Hebron Fire Marshal.

It is in intent of the Department to focus on a long term commitment to economic vitality, environmental integrity, and quality development design through the highest quality master plans, plan implementation, development regulations and development review.

The combination of planning and development offices under one Department provides for a coordination of review and approval of building and development projects in Town.  Any question relating to planning, zoning, conservation, building, septic, well and sewers can be effectively answered within the Department.  The Department coordinates development review with weekly staff meetings with potential developers and builders to provide for a coordinated and efficient review of their proposals.

Plan of Conservation and Development:

The Town of Hebron Planning and Zoning Commission approved the 2024 Town of Hebron’s Plan of Conservation and Development on May 28, 2024. State law requires that the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) be updated at least every ten years. The  Planning and Zoning Commission worked with a consultant, Michael K. O’Leary, over several years, drafting an update to the POCD in an effort to provide a overall vision of how the Community should develop over the next 10-year planning period. Click on the button below to review Hebron’s 2024 Plan of Conservation and Development.

Click Here for Information on the Plan of Conservation and Development

Hebron Zoning Regulations:

The Hebron Planning and Zoning Commission completed a comprehensive update of the Hebron Zoning Regulations, effective April 9, 2018. In an effort to ensure consistency with the Connecticut General Statutes, help implement the goals and policies of the Plan of Conservation and Development, and to make the Regulations a more user-friendly document, amendments are adopted from time to time.

To view the Regulations, click here:  Hebron Zoning Regulations – Effective 04-09-18.

To view Amendments adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission, click here:

Regulating Accessory Apartments

CT Public Act 21-29: An Act Concerning the Zoning Enabling Act, Accessory Apartments, Training for Certain Land Use Officials, Municipal Affordable Housing Plans and a Commission on Connecticut’s Development and Future was passed to provide a more affordable, sustainable and economically dynamic state. Under the Public Act, the State seeks to promote housing choices by requiring that municipal regulations permit accessory apartments “as of right” and allow both “attached” and “detached” units.

The Town of Hebron Planning and Zoning Commission has amended Sections 2.G.7, 2.D.4 and 9.C of the Hebron Zoning Regulations to permit “detached” accessory apartments, in addition to “attached” accessory apartments. The amendment can be viewed at the following link:

Accessory Apartment Regulation Amendment

Planning Activities Update:

The purpose of this section of the website is to keep Hebron Residents up to date on Planning activities that are happening and on-going in Town. We will endeavor to keep this section current with the most recent and significant planning project that affect the Town. Please contact us if there are questions, or suggestions on any of these projects.

12 Town Air Line State Park Trail Master Plan

The Air Line State Park Trail Region comprises twelve towns from Portland to Thompson. Town of Hebron Staff and numerous dedicated Residents contributed to the development of the ALSPT Region Master Plan intended to unite the twelve towns as a region and implement the goals and recommendations contained in the Plan. Please use the following link to view the Plan and more about the many opportunities to explore the region via the Air Line State Park Trail.


Pendleton Drive Pedestrian Bridge Project

A pedestrian bridge will be constructed over an unnamed brook creating a connection between the Hebron Green Village District and Pendleton Drive. The project was approved for funding through the State of Connecticut Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP). The bridge, pathway, sidewalk and ornamental lighting are set to be constructed and installed in the Spring 2024.


Branding & Marketing Study

The Town of Hebron Economic Development Commission is working with FHI Studio to develop a branding and marketing study to promote economic development in town.

Plan for Housing Choices

The Town of Hebron Planning and Zoning Commission has adopted the “Hebron 2022-27 Plan for Housing Choices”. The purpose of this plan is to identify current and future housing needs in Hebron and to identify strategies that can help the community promote housing choices to better meet these needs. Addressing changing housing needs and promoting housing choices, including affordable options, are important for the Town of Hebron and its current and future residents. People’s housing needs and desires change over the course of their lives and providing for a range of housing choices helps ensure that people of all ages, income levels, and household types will be able to find housing in Hebron to meet their needs. A Working Group was established and has analyzed and evaluated current and anticipated future housing needs in Hebron. Their recommended policies and action steps were considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission, were adopted and will be shared with other boards and commissions. It is important that these strategies align with Hebron’s overall community values and the Plan of Conservation and Development. This plan will satisfy the Town’s statutory requirement (CGS Section 8-30j) to prepare an Affordable Housing Plan every five (5) years.

Community input was an important part of the overall process. Nearly 700 respondents participated in an online community survey and shared their perspective on housing needs and potential strategies.  Community workshops were also held to gather input to help the Town of Hebron understand shared goals and shared concerns and plan for the future of the community. This effort was supported by Town Staff and the consulting firm Planimetrics.

Hebron 2022-27 Plan for Housing Choices adopted May 24, 2022

Hebron Newest Sidewalk Extension 

The most recent addition to the Town’s sidewalk and trail systems was funded through a grant from the State’s Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) administered by the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) and the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT).  The Town made application to CRCOG for the purpose of constructing this new sidewalk along Church Street (CT RT 85) as recommended in the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development.  This new sidewalks has seen some active use and extends south along the west side of Church Street from Hebron Center past Hebron Elementary School; and, then south of Kinney Road, the sidewalk extends further south along the east side of Church Street to the Sunnyside Farms Shopping Plaza.  These walks now allow pedestrian access to and from the Town Center, to three places of worship, past several public parks (including the trails in Raymond Brook Preserve park), to Hebron Elementary School, and a neighborhood shopping center.

Hebron Center Trail:

For over ten years, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Town of Hebron, private developers, and the local water company worked together to establish public open space around Hebron Center and the Hebron Center Trail.  This is a two-mile trail network that passes through Veterans Park on Wall Street, continues through open space north of Hebron Center, passes by mature forests and wetlands, and travels over a pedestrian bridge and emerges back onto Main Street just east of Ted’s Supermarket.  From there the trail connects to sidewalks along Main Street and Wall Street which lead back to Veterans Park.  A shorter trail loop is also provided by the trail connection that passes by the Hebron Car Wash over to the Liberty Drive sidewalks and back to Main Street.  Click here for a trail map of the Hebron Center Trail.

Hebron Center Plan – Housing For Economic Growth: 

Several planning efforts and studies have focused on Hebron Center looking at opportunities to implement the Goals and Policies contained in the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development and to look more closely at ways to create a more vibrant, economically successful, mixed-use and pedestrian friendly Town Center.  A few of these are as follows.

The Town Planner, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Selectmen all collaborated and developed  The Hebron Center Plan.  This Plan is a focused look at Hebron Center, bringing together the findings in the Plan of Conservation and Development as well as other studies and projects affecting Hebron Center.  The Plan documents past accomplishments and includes planned projects all intended to enhance this area of Town.  Read more about this by clicking here.  The Hebron Center Plan.

The Planning and Zoning Commission, using a grant secured under the Housing for Economic Growth program, has worked with two consultants, Dennis Goderre – a Landscape Architect from Goderre and Associates and Mark Branse, Esq. from Branse, Willis & Knapp, LLC, in looking at a wide range of planning and zoning and economic development issues surrounding Hebron Center and future growth in the Center.  The consultants, along with Town staff, drafted new zoning regulations to encourage mixed-use growth and development in Hebron Center as well as other business districts and it is now adopted as part of the Regulations.  The goal is to create more economic development opportunities in a way that supports a more vibrant, walkable and mixed-use Main Street.  This was one of the strong opinions that came from Hebron residents through the UCONN Charrette process that was conducted in 2011. Another outcome of the Study was to create new design guidelines for the commercial areas and multi-family residential areas in Hebron.  These design guidelines were adopted by the Commission.  The goal is to provide for new development, but in a way that is consistent with Hebron’s New England small town character.

 Hebron Center Market Study:

The Town of Hebron and its Economic Development Commission hired Peter Fairweather, of Fairweather Consulting, to conduct a Market Study of Hebron’s Business District.  Over a number of years, the Town of Hebron has made a commitment to reinvest in Hebron Center to create a successful, dynamic, and walkable Town center.  This study is another step in that process. The work identified potential commercial uses that could be attracted to, or expanded in, Hebron.  The study included an analysis of the existing market potential in Hebron and the surrounding area, and a “benchmark” of Hebron against other downtown centers to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of Hebron Center.  The study has identified the types of uses for which Hebron Center has a competitive advantage and includes an action plan to attract those uses to the Center.  This study is still being used to guide the activities of various Town boards and commissions in terms of planning and economic development.

Click the link for the Hebron Center Market Study to read this important report.

 Open Space Acquisition Grants:

The Open Space Land Acquisition Committee and Town staff have been very active in submitting grant applications on behalf of the Town under the State’s Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Grant Program, to assist with the acquisition of key open space parcels of land.  These applications are guided by the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development, and the Future Open Space plan included in that document.  In February of 2021, the Town received notice of our most recent successful grant application.  This grant is in the amount of $199,960 to assist with the purchase of the 215 acre Ella Bernstein property, also know as the Grossman Farm, located on Old Colchester Road.  The parcel of land also has frontage on the end of Birch Hill Road in the Grayville Estates Subdivision, and has over 3,000 feet of frontage on the Air Line Trail.  This property in contained in one of the planned Greenways shown in the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development as a key area for protection and acquisition.  See the current Town Open Space Map here.

Hebron’s Historic Peters House:

The Peters House, at the entrance to Burnt Hill Park, is slowly returning to its early magnificent appearance. All who have passed 150 East Street have noticed the restoration of the exterior of this historic house, including new paint, restored trim, new roof, re-pointed chimneys, and new and restored windows.  The work to date has been funded from a variety of sources including the Town’s CIP, but mainly though State grants including the State’s STEAP (Small Town Economic Assistance Program) grants, other grants received through the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), as well as an award from a private foundation, the 1772 Foundation.  More recent work has been happening in the interior of the house with a new heating system installed, new plumbing including a new water supply from the Burnt Hill Park water system, and new electrical service.  Volunteers have been hard at work doing necessary demolition inside the house as well as working on restoring several of the rooms including installing a new code-compliant stairway to the second floor.  A slow process, but progress continues to be be made.

The Town is working with the Historic Properties Commission to sign-up and coordinate the volunteer phase on the interior of the house. There will be tasks appropriate for individuals at all levels of expertise.  Volunteers will be offered the chance to spackle, paint, restore flooring, complete wainscot, re-point masonry, and probably work on exterior yard and garden beautification. For more experienced craftspeople, there will be the opportunity to replace boards and molding around fireplaces, and to make other alterations.  As work continues, it is our hope that individuals from other professional areas will group together to offer their services to the Historic Peters House.

The Historic Properties Commission is currently collecting names of interested volunteers and organizing training sessions.

Main Street Improvements / New Economic Development Grant:

Through several STEAP grant awards, the Town has funded a number of Main Street improvements to increase the attractiveness of Hebron’s main business district, to encourage more visitors and business traffic to the area, and to improve pedestrian access throughout the center.  These grants have funded the construction of sidewalks along Main Street, new street trees and other plantings along Main Street, new “Welcome to Hebron” signs at each entrance to the business district, and funded a portion of the cost of facade improvements to a number of local businesses.  These businesses include: Gina Marie’s, Ace Hardware, Countryside Realty, Hebron Eye Care, Something Simple Cafe, and the free standing signs at Ted’s plaza.  The most recent STEAP grant funded the expanded parking lot behind the Douglas Library as well as the new parking lot on Pendleton Drive which will be shared by Town facilities, by surrounding private businesses, and for public events.  Hebron’s successful program is highlighted on the State’s Office of Policy and Management website.  Click here to read more.

 Salmon River Watershed Partnership:

The Town of Hebron along with nine other towns in the Salmon River Watershed have entered into a Partnership with the Nature Conservancy in a multi-year effort to take actions to preserve and protect the water quality of the Salmon River that all these towns share. One of the first products of the Partnership is a “Salmon River Watershed Municipal Land Use Evaluation Project”. This report reviews and makes recommendations on land use regulations and public works maintenance practices of all towns in the Watershed. The Partnership has sponsored training and workshops, as well as water quality monitoring efforts, throughout the Watershed.

Click here to see a copy of the 2019 Annual SRW Partnership Newsletter.  SRWP Newsletter 2020 Final (1).

For a full copy of the Salmon River Watershed Municipal Land Use Evaluation Project report, please Click Here.

Additional information about the Partnership including the results of their water quality testing in Hebron and throughout the watershed, can be found on their website and by clicking here: https://www.salmonriverct.org/



Department Staff:

The Town Planner serves as the department head and supervises the planning and development offices in the Town:

Town Planner : Matthew Bordeaux
15 Gilead Street
Hebron, CT 06248
860-228-5971, x137

You can e-mail the Town Planner here: mbordeaux@hebronct.com

Other staff members in the planning and development offices can be reached at the same address and are as follows:

Building Official & Zoning Enforcement Officer: Scott Phelps, 228-5971, x142
Town Wetland Agent: , Jim Cordier, 228-5971, x139
Fire Marshal: Christopher Bray, 228-3022
Administrative Secretaries:
Donna Godbout, 228-5971, x138
Louise Caisse, 228-5971, x141
Chatham Health District Representative:  Emily Miller, 228-5971, x140
You can also contact the Chatham Health District and learn more about their organization at their website at: www.chathamhealth.org.

The following pages explain the functions of the various offices within the Department of Planning and Development, contact information, and forms and information that will assist you with your interaction with the Department.