Town of Hebron > News
Town of Hebron
Legal Notice – Board Vacancy
Racial Justice and Equity Committee Report: Findings and Recommendations – Phase I
Earth Day Clean Up
As was the case last year, because of COVID related concerns, the Hebron Green Committee will not be holding a group clean-up day for Earth Day this year. However, all is not lost! We are still encouraging Hebron residents to (safely!) do your own clean up in your neighborhood or a street or road of your choice that you think really needs it. We have arranged for our Public Works Department to put a dumpster at Town Hall on Saturday and Sunday, April 24th and 25th, so any trash collected can be brought there. If clean recyclables can be collected separately and recycled, that’s great, but we realize roadside items may not be real clean, so they may have to be thrown in the trash. However, the most important thing to keep in mind if you’re going to do this is to do it SAFELY! That means wear gloves and a brightly colored jacket or vest, and don’t walk too close to the road. Ideally do it with a friend or relative who can help keep an eye on traffic. Finally, if you send a picture of your clean up effort to the Green Committee (, we’ll choose one at random for a free pizza from one of Hebron’s great pizza emporiums. So let’s all use some of our pent up energy and get out there to help make Hebron a little greener this Earth Day!
Mike Harder
Hebron Green Committee
All Town Offices Closed for Business – April 2, 2021
Tax Abatement Program
Applications for property tax abatements are available to Hebron residents. There is a Town Ordinance that defers property taxes when those taxes exceed 8 percent of total household income from any source.
For example, if the total household income from any source totals $30,000, the property tax liability would be capped at $2,400. The abatement would be for any property taxes that exceeded $2,400. The abatements would apply to the upcoming tax year beginning July 1.
Under the ordinance, taxes that are abated would be repaid when a property is sold or transferred through probate. Abated taxes would accrue at an interest rate which is significantly less than what is charged for delinquent taxes (18 percent). The interest rate is currently 1.5 percent and is reviewed annually by the Board of Selectmen.
Persons who are interested in the program can request an application by calling the Town Manager’s Office. Applications will be mailed upon request. Call (860) 228-5971 for more information. The application deadline is June 1.
Town of Hebron, Pump Station Upgrades, Phase 1
The Town of Hebron Water Pollution Control Authority is beginning the Pump Station Upgrades that were voted on and approved in last year’s referendum. The construction award was granted to Holzner Construction and should be completed within eighteen months. Engineering and Construction Administration will be provided by Wright Pierce. The stations included in this phase are Old Railroad and Raymond Brook that are located on Route 85, Millstream which is on Kinney Road and lastly Wellswood. As part of Phase 1 design, new generators will be added to all the pump stations except Amston Lake where a new generator was installed only a few years ago. We expect that construction inconvenience should be minimal through the construction process. If you have any questions, please call the Town of Hebron Public Works Department at 860-228-2871.
A View Inside the Peters House!
CT DEEP – Draft 2020 MS4 Annual Report
In accordance with the requirements of the CT DEEP General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, residents of the Town of Hebron are hereby informed that a draft of the 2020 MS4 Annual Report, which summarizes municipal stormwater compliance activities conducted within the Town of Hebron during calendar year 2020, will be posted on the town website on or before February 15, 2021 for a forty-five day public review and comment period prior to the draft being finalized and submitted electronically to the CT DEEP on or before April 01, 2021. Residents are hereby encouraged to review the report and submit written comments between February 15, 2021 and March 31, 2021. All comments should be addressed to Wade Thomas, Town MS4 Consultant at
Chatham Health District will be sponsoring a Covid – 19 vaccine clinic Tuesday, February 16th from 11:00am – 2:00pm at RHAM. This clinic is for 75+ only. This is appointment only and open to Hebron/Amston residents only. This is an indoor clinic, not drive through. Appointments can be made by calling 860-228-5977. This is through the Senior Center, but is a direct Covid info/registration line. The vaccine will be the Moderna Vaccine. The second dose is scheduled for Saturday, March 20th at RHAM and that appointment will be made at the same time when you make the first appointment.