February 2025

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CT Water update – December 14, 2018

This is the LAST SCHEDULED weekly update for customers of Connecticut Water’s Hebron Center, Mill at Stonecroft and Country Manor Water Systems
Effective immediately, all water use restrictions have been lifted.

We are able to lift the restrictions because the permanent connection between Hebron Center and Country Manor water systems has been completed and is being used. This connection makes additional water available to the Hebron Center water system.
Connecticut Water greatly appreciates your patience and cooperation in helping us maintain adequate levels of water in the system for domestic use and public fire protection.
Even though all water use restrictions have been lifted, we ask that you continue to be mindful of your water usage and to use water wisely.
This is the last scheduled weekly phone call. Future communications will be made as needed.
While we will not be communicating on a regular basis, we want you to know that we will continue to explore additional water sources for this system.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service staff at 1-800-286-5700 or e-mail us at customerservice@ctwater.com.
This update is also posted to our website at www.ctwater.com/hebroncenter.

CT Water update December 7, 2018

This is the weekly update for customers of Connecticut Water’s Hebron Center, Mill at Stonecroft and Country Manor Water Systems

  • Installation has been completed on the permanent connection between the Country Manor and Hebron Center water systems. The new connection still must be tested and prepared to carry drinking water. It is expected that the new connection will be placed into service by mid-December.


  • We are moving forward with the acquisition of land on Wall Street so that we can continue the process of creating a new water supply source. It will likely be the summer of 2019 before approvals are secured and construction is completed to put the new well into service.

Thank you for your continuing water conservation efforts.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service staff at 1-800-286-5700 or e-mail us at customerservice@ctwater.com.

This update is also posted to our website at www.ctwater.com/hebroncenter.

CT Water Update – December 3, 2018

This is the weekly update for customers of Connecticut Water’s Hebron Center, Mill at Stonecroft and Country Manor Water Systems

The water quality results look good for the most promising test well drilled on land off Wall Street. We are planning to move forward with the acquisition of the land and filing the necessary regulatory approvals. When connected to the water system, this well will provide a modest increase in the water supply. It will likely be the summer of 2019 before approvals are secured and construction is completed to put the new well into service.

Work continues on the permanent connection between the Country Manor and Hebron Center water systems with scheduled completion by mid-December.

Thank you for your continuing water conservation efforts.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer service staff at 1-800-286-5700 or e-mail us at customerservice@ctwater.com.

This update is also posted to our website at www.ctwater.com/hebroncenter.


Group: Construction News

Project No.:  0066-0109

Headline:  Emergency replacement of Culvert under Route 85 (Church St.), south of Rte 207 Hebron Ct.


The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing the start of Construction on the project to replace the culvert under Route 85 (Church St.) at the Airline Trail crossing 0.4 miles north of Niles Road Hebron. 

Body of the Message

The project to replace the culvert Route 85 (Church St.) at the Airline Trail crossing 0.4 miles north of Niles Road Hebron will begin on December 4, 2018.  Arborio Corporation of Cromwell, CT has been selected to perform the work as an Emergency Declaration Construction will involve a closure of Route 85 to remove a failing culvert and install the new culvert.  The roadway is expected to be closed for 12 days. Additional daytime lane closures may be required to complete off-road work.

The Airline trail is currently closed at this location and will open upon completion of the roadway work.


Traffic shall be routed around the work area by use of a detour. The detour shall be implemented using Route 16 to Route 207 if headed north from Colchester, and Route 207 to Route 16 if headed south from Hebron. This detour shall begin on December 4, 2018 and should be completed on December 15, 2018. After the closure, traffic will be maintained on one 11 ft lane using alternating traffic under stop sign control. 

Motorists are urged to obey the posted speed limit and to proceed with caution through this and all other construction work zones.




The information below must be filled in for press information to show up on map and website

Specific Date e-alert to be issued: November 25, 2018


DOT Project No.: 0066-0109

Route: Route 85(Church St.) south of Rte 207

Town: Hebron

Highway log: Route 85 over Culvert-Hebron at 0.4 miles north of Niles Road                


Go to http://www.ct.gov/dot/LIB/dot/Documents/dpolicy/hwylog/hwylog.pdf#?????


Project Start Date: December 4, 2018

Anticipated Completion Date: December 20, 2018

CT Water update – November 2, 2018

This is the weekly update for customers of Connecticut Water’s Hebron Center, Mill at Stonecroft and Country Manor Water Systems
• The tests to determine the available water from the wells recently drilled on land off Wall Street are complete. We are now evaluating water quality and the feasibility of using the wells as an additional source of water supply.
• The installation of a permanent connection between the Country Manor and Hebron Center water systems is progressing.
• We continue to discuss our progress with town officials and are committed to keeping them up to date. Thank you for patience and your continued cooperation with the ban on outdoor water usage. We know that this has been an inconvenience for many customers.
• This update is also posted to our website at www.ctwater.com/hebroncenter.

CT Water update October 22, 2018

The following is the weekly update for customers of Connecticut Water’s Hebron Center, Mill at Stonecroft and Country Manor Water Systems:

  • Yield tests to determine the potential output of 3 test wells recently drilled on land off Wall Street are still in progress.
  • You may recall a temporary water line connecting the Country Manor and Hebron Center water systems was installed last summer to help address the supply situation. We have received authorization from the Connecticut Department of Public Health for a permanent connection between the two water systems and that work will begin this week.

We appreciate your continued cooperation with the ban on outdoor water usage. We thank you for patience, and we are committed to resolving the water supply issue as soon as possible.

Hebron Charter Revision Commission Wants to Hear From You!

To:       All Hebron Residents

A nine member Hebron Charter Revision Commission has been appointed by the Board of Selectmen.  The Charter Revision Commission has held its first meetings and is seeking public input.    Have you identified any issues with our current Charter that you believe can be improved?  Are there any concerns you have which you feel need to be addressed by our Commission?

The complete Hebron Town Charter can be viewed at https://ecode360.com/10615452

Residents are encouraged to attend any meeting and express their opinions or comment on the Hebron Charter, which review is anticipated to be completed and voted upon at the November 2019 election. 

Regular Meetings are scheduled as follows:  November 7 & 21, December 5 & 19, 2018;  January 2 & 16, February 6 & 20, March 6 & 20, April 3 & 17, May 1 & 15, June 5 & 19, 2019.  Meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Hebron Town Office Building unless otherwise warned.

If you cannot attend meetings we still want to hear from you.

Please send your comments via email to HebronCharter@hebronct.com

Or via regular mail to:       Charter Revision Commission
                                               Town of Hebron
                                                15 Gilead Street
                                                Hebron, CT 06248

We invite you to help us improve the Town Charter by providing your comments and becoming involved in the Charter revision process.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

On behalf of the 2018-2019 Hebron Charter Revision Commission,

Scot Kauffman, Chairman